Great Success at ISEA 2019 in Gwangju, Korea
We had three papers presented and one artwork was exhibited.
Congratulations the team!
Upwell: Performative Immersion by Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo, Michael Bruner, Austin Payne and Nathan Ayres
The Transmediated Self: A visual metaphor to human cognition by Anatol Bologan (Mad Arts), Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo, Joseph Orr and Vidya Sridhar
One Step: The Impact of Interactive Public Installations on Promoting Public Awareness of Poverty Issues by Eman Al-Zubeidi, Courtney Michalsky, Stephanie Sykora and Lauren Toler
Colors for All: Immersive Narrative 360 Video for Color Blind Awareness by Eunsun EunSun Chu, Jacqueline Gonzalez, Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo and Caleb Kicklighter
From VIZ, Professor Krista Steinke also premiered her video on the media wall at the ASIA Plaza.
Also I appreciate the great support from the VIZ department, college of Architecture, AVPA at Texas A&M.
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