VR performance at TEI 2019 in Tempe, Arizona
We performed our VR performance project, Upwell at the Tempe Art Center in Arizona this week, as part of the arts track program at TEI2019 (ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction).
We appreciate all the positive feedback!
We feel extremely supported by the TEI community.
Congratulations to the team and contributors!
Austin Payne, Michael Bruner, Nathan Ayres from the VIZ department and Ashlyn Thompson, Kelsey Clark, Kali Taft, Hannah Juenke, Sarah Behseresht, Christine Simone Bergeron, and Alexandra PooWiler.
Ashlyn and Kelsey’s performance was exceptional at TEI.
I would like to thank the arts track and the local committees.
Without their endless care and support, this project wouldn’t be performed successfully.
Another note, this TEI was very special to me because we have a great SFU reunion with Huaxin, Josh and Karen.
It would have been perfect if I didn’t miss the connecting flight in Dallas. I am stuck in a hotel room tonight without my suitcase.
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